Kinkscene is a wiki intended for members of the San Francisco kink and queer communities. It is only for people above 18. It contains information on many topics that may be helpful for people new to the city or the local kink or queer scene.
- Guide for Kinksters new to or Visiting SF
- Guide for Transgender People
- Guide to Alcohol-Free Queer Spaces
These are links to “tag” pages that link out to a large number of topic pages. Think of them as jumping off points for subjects.
Many events in San Francisco are open to people of all persuasions, but there are some events/venues/organizations that are intended for specific groups.
- Lesbians
- Gay Men
- Transgender people
- People of Color
- TNG (The Next Generation - Kinksters under 35 or 40 depending on group)
Much of the information here is public knowledge, but we struggled to find a single resource to point new people to that organized everything into one place.
This wiki is a work in progress, if you see something that is missing or wrong, feel free to open an issue, pull request, or contact the site’s administrator.
There are also meta pages about the site itself.